A dependent visa is a type of visa that allows family members or dependents of a primary visa holder to accompany them to another country. We provide excellent and expertise services for dependant applicants - spouse visa, child dependent visa, parents dependent visa, family visa for various countries. The primary visa holder is usually someone who holds a work, study, or residence visa in the host country.
Dependent visas are designed to keep families together while one member pursues opportunities in another country. They offer legal status to dependents, allowing them to reside and, in some cases, work or study in the host country. The specifics of dependent visas, such as the application process, eligibility criteria, and the rights granted to dependents, can vary widely from one country to another.
In many cases, dependent visa holders are required to demonstrate their relationship to the primary visa holder and may need to provide financial support or proof of accommodation. Dependent visas are a crucial way to support family unity and enable loved ones to live together in a foreign land while the primary visa holder fulfills their professional or academic aspirations.